We are no longer accepting new patients unless they are coming in for integrative cancer care, mistletoe or nutritional infusion therapy (see "The Raphael Clinic" above). We are sorry for any inconvenience.
If you are a current established patient, or have seen Dr Hinderberger in the past 7-10 years, you may schedule a follow-up (see below).
Thank you and Be Well.
My practice is an integrative medicine specialty practice. I recommend that you consult with your primary care physician and specialist for allopathic medical needs such as hospital care and prescription medications. For Infusions, see "The Raphael Clinic" page.
Appointments can be made by calling our office between 10am-3pm, Monday thru Friday. You can not schedule by email. Please see our FEE SCHEDULE page or click below.
Cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance, otherwise the full fee will be charged for time reserved.
Call-in hours for short medical consultations are Monday- Friday between 8:00-9:00am.
For office matters (scheduling, refills, general inquiries) please call between 10:00 and 3:00 Monday through Friday. Our office coordinators will be ready to serve you.
For emergencies call 911 or go to the emergency room.
Please view the Fee Schedule at the bottom of this page. Payment at the conclusion of each visit is requested in form of cash, checks, or credit cards (VISA and MC only)
WE DO NOT ACCEPT ANY HEALTH INSURANCE NOR PROCESS CLAIMS. You will receive an insurance claim form (CMS 1500) you can submit to your insurance for the office visit. MEDICARE or MEDICAID are not accepted. You cannot submit bills for infusions or supplements including mistletoe.
Homeopathy is a natural approach to cure the whole person. Its concept goes back to Hippocrates, the father of “modern” medicine. Samuel Hahnemann, a German Physician born in 1755, formalized this concept into a modern scientific system of medicine. The main principle of homeopathy is similia similibus curentur , which is Latin and means “likes cure likes”. The remedy (plant, mineral, etc.), which causes symptoms when taken in substantial dose aims to cure the very same symptoms in a patient when taken in a highly diluted (potentized) form. The symptom picture of the remedy must be similar to the picture, which the sick person shows in order to be effective.
In the early 20 th century, physicians frustrated by the limitations 19 th century natural science was imposing on medicine asked Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), philosopher, visionary and founder of Anthroposophy, to discuss with them how his spiritual world conception and his method of acquiring knowledge could be applied to medicine. In subsequent lectures, Steiner offered substantial new insights into the nature of human beings and how medicine can be extended to include knowledge of body, life, soul, and spirit.
Anthroposophic medicine recognizes and uses the vast knowledge of modern medicine in the fields of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and diagnostics. It strives to move beyond it to synthesizing thinking that encompasses all parts, to grasp the whole. The challenge of the Anthroposophically trained physician is to assess not only the physical condition, but to evaluate the relative strengths or weaknesses of the physical, life, soul, and spiritual forces as they affect the body and various organs. Such an evaluation can help to find a way to healing at the source. The herbalists of olden times possessed another state of consciousness. When gazing at the medical plants, they perceived the healing power within the plant. Today this instinctive capacity has largely been lost.
Rudolf Steiner created a new concept for finding remedies from nature’s bounty. It is based on the comprehensive picture of humankind, as given by Anthroposophy through spiritual scientific research. When natural remedies such as minerals, metals, and herbs are properly used, the dynamic forces within them can bring the human organism into harmony or supply the substance or energy missing in the human organism, and there bring about healing.
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